Princess Elite


Sunday-1130AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 730PM bible study

Princess Elite

Scripture Ministry Based on: 1 Timothy 4:12

Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

Our Purpose:

Imparting into the lives of young women and encouraging them towards excellence. This life changing experience will be a promise to pour into the Spirit's of young women between the ages of 9-18.

Description of Goals:

We are focusing on promoting virtuous values in the lives of these young women. Teaching them how to meet new friends, learning how to communicate and gracefully displaying the gifts and talents that GOD has given. These young women learn more about who they are and to be all that GOD has purposed in their lives. The participating young women will walk away with a life changing experience that cultivates the Godly woman within. 

What we Expect:

A positive attitude at all times( at home as well as in school)
Treating everyone with respect
Each Princess has to maintain GOOD grades
Stay humble always
Participation in everything we do 
They will accumulate points for attendance
Girls will be asked to sign in at every meeting
Parents will also be asked to sign every time we hand out information concerning meetings or events for the girls.
** If girls can not attend any meeting or event that will be held please contact us in advance.**
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